July 18, 2012, Day 10 - 19 miles:
We plan to be out in four days. Sleeping in a shelter at Muir Pass. Met a guy from Fargo (grew up there). Took all day to reach the pass. Storm tomorrow? Can't decide to pray for or against - for if it let's us sleep in. Against if it's midday. The hike to this pass was seriously beautiful. Met a bunch of southbounders - two college girls, an art teacher from Alaska. Strength, please.

1. We knew we would be uphill all day, hiking to Muir Pass, but from morning til evening, the sights were beautiful. This waterfall was the beginning. || 2. This was the first stream we had to walk through. Freezing! On the other side, we met the Alaskan art teacher. || 3. Muir Pass seemed in sight for a long time - especially once we got up to this alpine area. We still had several miles to go. || 4. A lovely stone crossing & Ben scouting the map. || 5. Another panorama of the area. Have I mentioned Muir Pass was our favorite? || 6. The hut we slept in (though you're not supposed to). Just. Wow. || 7. An inside view of the hut - no working fireplace, though I have no idea where you would get wood, if it did work. We slept on the benches.
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